Privacy policy

Privacy policy

by admin Wednesday, August 4, 2021 - 03:02 comments

Privacy Policy

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. You must not register with us or sign up to the Service if you do not accept this Privacy Policy and our Service Conditions.

In this Privacy Policy, "we", “us” and "our" means Trailon Business Solutions Limited or any group company of Trailon Business Solutions Limited; and “you” and “your” means you the customer.

We are committed to your privacy and to compliance with all applicable data protection laws and regulations to ensure that data collected by us is processed properly. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect information and the uses to which we put this information. The policy also provides details of the security measures we take in order to safeguard your personal information and your privacy.

When you register and contract with us for the Service, the details provided to us will be stored and used to provide the Service. We keep this information to help in the process of providing the Service. This data may consist of such information as names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and banking and credit card details. We may process this information as necessary to aid the process of providing the Service. Your details may need to be passed to other service providers in order for us to provide the Service to you. This information may be used for such purposes as:

  • Provisioning of the Service
  • Identifying users when they contact us with a service query
  • Billing administration
  • Account administration
  • Customer administration
  • Technical and operational administration
  • As otherwise required or permitted by law

During the time you are logged on to the Service, your device will be allocated a unique IP address allowing you to use the Service to connect to the Internet as well as receive and send e-mails.

Your name may be stored on the head end server for the purpose of personalising welcome messages and for other services.

Your use of our media services will be recorded on the FirstBaze Personal Management System (“PMS”) so that relevant data monitoring activities could be implemented for administrative and security purposes as appropriate.

We may collect the personal data that you volunteer while using the Service. We do not collect sensitive personal data such as in relation to race or ethnic origin, colour, religion or sexual orientation. We do not collect or use personal data for any purpose other than that indicated in this policy document. Should we wish to use your personal data for a new purpose, we would first contact you and seek your consent to this new purpose.

We will not supply your personal information to a third party for commercial exploitation. We assure you that we do not sell the lists of our customers' details to third parties. Under no circumstances do we sell mailing lists containing your information to third parties for their marketing purposes.

Your details may need to be disclosed to other service providers in order to provide you with the Service. Such disclosures may be to recipients outside of the United Kingdom and the European Economic Area.

We take all reasonable care to keep your personal data confidential and to prevent any unauthorised access to your personal data. The security of your data is very important to us.

We have implemented security measures to protect the personal data that we have under our control from:

  • Unauthorised access
  • Improper use or disclosure
  • Unauthorised modification
  • Unlawful destruction or accidental loss

All our employees and data processors, who have access to, and are associated with the processing of personal data, are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your personal data.

Whilst we have implemented security measures to protect your personal information in accordance with industry practice and standards, you should be aware that the Internet is not entirely secure. As such, we cannot guarantee the sufficiency of our security measures at all times and we shall not be responsible for any actual, indirect or consequential loss or damages, or any other liability, whether as a result of negligence or otherwise, arising from a security breach or technical malfunction.

We use a common Internet technology called "Cookies". A Cookie is a file that is sent to your browser from our web site's computers and stored on your computer's hard drive. Cookies enable us to recognise you when you use visit our web site and when you use the Service. We use Cookies to tailor the web site to match your preferences, or to store information for a given session. This means you do not have to re-enter the same information time after time.

Cookies never store personally identifiable information about you other than the IP address from which you are accessing our web site which we treat as personal information. Furthermore, these Cookies cannot be accessed by any other computer on the network. With most browsers you can delete existing Cookies from your computer. By continuing on our website we consider this as valid consent of your accepting our cookie use policy in keeping with current international rules.

The Service and our web site may include links to third party web sites. We do not represent or warrant that any information that may be obtained through any link to or from our Service is accurate, complete or current. Third party web sites may collect and disclose personal information in a different way to us. We are not responsible for the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information collected through third party web sites and we do not accept any responsibility for any loss that may arise as a result of your use of a third party web site. Material contained in other web sites is outside our control and will be subject to third party intellectual property rights and separate terms of use and policies covering privacy. You are advised to read applicable terms and policies very carefully before using any other web site.

We reserve the right to disclose your personal information to relevant authorities if we believe that you are involved in illegal activities. If required to do so by law, we may co-operate with properly authorised law enforcement agencies in identifying the room from or in which any illegal act is alleged to have been committed.

In the event that we introduce any services in the future requiring the user to reveal personal data to us, such services will be subject to a registration process and our privacy policy will be amended to provide full details of the use made of any personal data.

We do not knowingly collect personal data from children. We take specific steps to protect the privacy of children by taking reasonable efforts to ensure that a parent or guardian has authorized the collection of a child's personal data.

If you want to know what personal information we are holding on you then you can request details by contacting us as follows

Telephone: +44 (0)7587533260
In writing to:
Data Protection Officer
FirstBaze Media Services
A subsidiary of Trailon Business Solutions Limited

United Kingdom

We reserve our right to charge a reasonable administration fee to cover our costs of providing information to you.

If you tell us that the personal information held on you is inaccurate we will correct it and notify you that any corrections have been made.

We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, so please review it frequently. Any policy changes will be posted on this page and may be communicated via e-mail or elsewhere on our web site.


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