BAT, INEC's Placeholder President for Nigeria's Puppet masters

BAT, INEC's Placeholder President for Nigeria's Puppet masters

by admin Sunday, June 4, 2023 - 16:20 0 comments
Africa Leadership Magazine

Democracy as practiced in Nigeria has being hijacked by few elitist elements who by abusing the machinery of government are able to undermine due processes for their selfish ends.

In reflecting on the events since 25 February 2023 presidential elections, when INEC pulled the rug off the feet of most Nigerians, a lot is slowly coming to light and one is left without doubt as to all that is transpiring, being part of a set piece by the ruling junta led by now ex-President Buhari. 

Bola Ahmed Tinubu, aka 'The BAT' has unwittingly, in his blind pursuit for the Presidency, played into the hands of the puppet masters who instructed INEC's Mahmood Yakubu to declare BAT the winner of the 25 February Presidential elections. By making BAT, INEC's Placeholder President, the puppet masters are conveniently able to continue their agenda on a number of fronts. BAT becomes indebted to them and would do anything and everything he is instructed to do. This is now playing out.

Any rational thinker appraising the state of events in Nigeria would be left with very few plausible conclusions as to the motive behind aborting what could easily have been Nigeria's most credible election if the outcome was allowed to play through to the people's choice.

An Obi Presidency though hugely popular, will damage the Puppet masters game. So there was only one way to checkmate that outcome, that was to make BAT INEC's Placeholder President until the heat is off.

A few posers.

  1. Recall INEC's Mahmood Yakubu could have literarily sworn on his mother's grave if she were dead, that 2023 election was the defacto transformational event for Nigeria to distinguish itself as truly avant garde in its commitment to democracy. Billions were spent to have made this possible and indeed, this turned out to be the case, given the evidence currently accessible on IREV. Thanks to BVAS.
  2. There was the 2022 Election Act amendment, aimed at sanitising the process and minimising the shenanigans often accompanying electioneering outcomes. The following were some key items on the amended act that has redefined the standards underscoring what a "Free and fair" election should be:
    • Financial independence to Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC)
    • Extension of Timeframe for Publication of Election Notice
    • Encouragement Of Early Party Primaries
    • Provision for Central Electronic Voter Database
    • Revision of Definition of Overvoting
    • The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC)’s Power of Review
    • Exclusion of Political Appointees from Acting as Voting Delegates or Aspirants
    • Technological changes in electoral process
    • ... etc
  3. BAT was a nuiscance to APC leading on to the primaries as Buhari's body language made it clear BAT was not his choice for a future stable and progressive Nigeria. But BAT would not let off. He made it crystal clear he would do all possible to secure APC's ticket, literarily threatening everyone who stood on his path. It was his turn he boldly declared. He ridiculed Buhari literarily referring to him as a ne'er-do-well politician but for BAT's intervention. Not once, not twice but three bloodless attempts at the presidency by Buhari ended in futility and BAT did not hesitate to remind Buhari of this reality. By the way Buhari's third attempt became bloody with the riots he and his previous party instigated in the North when he failed back in 2011 or thereabout. So Buhari apparently was indebted to BAT who was doing all he could to get his payback!
  4. Past APC's fantastically corrupted primaries, when the Naira further nose-dived as the dollar became politicians go-to vote-buying call-card, Buhari's next attempt to check-mate The BAT was to trigger the Naira re-design . BAT and his apologists knew this. El Rufai, then state governor had the effrontery to declare nationally that BAT, when in office, would reverse the policy.
  5. INEC's chairman's announcement at the wee hours of 1 March declaring BAT the winner of the 25 February Election, with no credible evidence as IREV had less than 25% of results uploaded and opposition parties had other account of the results clearly at odds with INEC's claim.
  6. Then come the icing on the cake for Buhari's presidency - Dangote's multi-billion dollar Refinery Commissioning. The mother of all Abracadabras - the more you look the less you see!    
    You might ask how this fits into this whole narrative. Imagine a Peter Obi's inauguration before Dangote's refinery is commissioned. Its no hidden fact that a lot of NNPC's foreplay, has been around cooking the books, claiming oil theft robbing the nation of billions in revenue. Yet NNPC has invested into Dangote's refinery, sums that would be more than enough to have resuscitated the three moribund National Refineries in Warri, Port Harcourt and Kaduna. Why the interest in Dangote's Refinery? As they say, "'follow the money' and you would find where the bodies are buried". The puppets both within and without have stolen and hidden their cache surrepticiously in the form of investments in private enterprises to assure them of a lifelong return. As much as Dangote is being celebrated globally as a national pride, sadly his, has unfortunately become a "drug mule", laundering huge sums stolen by politicians over the last 8 years. An Obi Presidency though hugely popular, will damage the Puppet masters game. So there was only one way to checkmate that outcome, that was to make BAT INEC's Placeholder President until the heat is off.
  7. Go to court meant another 180 days, enough time for all the bodies to be buried and the monies to phooooosh!
  8. The so-called oil subsidy removal is part of the game. How to make up funds siphoned into these divestments of national assets. There was and has been no subsidies being paid by government and the claim of KYARI: NNPC Group leadership is to be believed. He declared NNPC made profits of over 680 trillionnaira in one year alone. So if that were to be the case why is Nigeria going aborrowing and claiming being burdened by subsidies? Such absurdities as highlighted in this videoblog by Refresh Nigeriaonly further evidences the evil machinations of Nigerias leadership
  9. It might appear a win-win for some. BAT would have been dressed in borrowed robes, and now ex-President Buhari would still in the end claim 'triumph' for democracy if the judiciary eventually overturn the outcome of the election after months or years. Sadly the spirit of democracy has been dealt a lasting blow.

The judiciary may or may not correct this blatant imposition by INEC, The People of Nigeria always has the last say. Whether it is another four years or another one week, the people WILL decide for themselves. The clock is ticking for MR PLACEHOLDER president.

Now BAT may have bitten more than he can chew, and we are seeing the evidence of all Obidients had warned Nigerians about.

His age and poor health status was clear for all to see in the so-called placeholder ceremonies. Even Buhari had to cut short the tour of the villa for BAT to recover. And at the sham Placeholder swearing in, Mr BAT was being guided and supported by numerous bodyguards. Live images of the event showed he was ataxic and nearly stumbled on the podium. He looked lost, confused and out of place. He needed assistance to maintain his grip on a pen. Anyone could see something was visibly wrong. Signs of parkinsonism include festinant or shuffling gait, tremors, speech difficulties, and a blank facies. These signs would worsen at certain times of the day. So it is possible BAT may appear okay one minute, but next minute he is like lost in himself.

Most Nigerians never listened to his speech. It's like asking people to listen to a thief boast of how nice the house is after they moved into a stolen property.

The oil subsidy removal may be something most informed Nigerians expected however it is not what is done but how it is done. Clearly BAT thinks he needed to be seen to be going something without the wisdom going about it. He was however only playing the puppet master's script!

It's De'javu. Again, sadly, Nigeria will suffer over the next few weeks or months with BAT acting Placeholder president. Nigeria has become a disgrace to Africa and the butt of jokes, thanks to Buhari, INEC, and APC!

For right thinking Nigerians, the selfish acts of a select few must not be allowed to determine the course of a great nation. The people did not vote BAT. He stole and supplanted himself all the way from primaries and through what is now demonstrably a sham election.

The judiciary may or may not correct this blatant imposition by INEC, The People of Nigeria always has the last say. Whether it is another four years or another one week, the people WILL decide for themselves. The clock is ticking for MR PLACEHOLDER president.


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