When truth fades - an ode to Ogbemudia

Submitted by admin on Thursday, December 21, 2017 - 14:42
A nation groans and straggles to be
To be rid of its afterbirth and to brace for the race
She is smothered in the embrace of an ecstatic commune
Believing its birth will transform and imbue
A new dawn, the flames of hope ignited.

When all resounding welcome fades
And it is put to breast to suckle and to fondle,
It becomes evident how ill prepared mother was for her arrival
She strives to belong, to be loved and to be song
But alas she is held
Afar with disdain, reproached and bemoaned
As if she should not have being
In the first place!


Nation states are born from the passion and zeal of a few with the vision and the faith to believe in the imagined. Few driven by uncharacteristic faith in the human capacity to transform,  create and relate in a warm and dispassionate coexistence. Though 'tribes and tongues may differ', yet in humanity we share a common experience. Truth be told, black or white, north or south we all suffer same aches and pains when exposed to the elements. Unfortunately primordial instincts in the midst of lack sets the tone for division and rivalry. Where demand exceeds supply, greed and avarice converges and sadly in all probability the indigent suffer.

Sadly so-called post-colonial nations are indubitable off-springs of what may be considered geo-political experiments gone awry.  Certainly the case that erstwhile colonial masters never envisioned nation states would evolve from their cross territorial merchandising and appropriation of the other's resources.

Across Africa and similar regions, names of visionary leaders readily come to mind. Indeed selflessness and charity is embodied in none other than Nelson Mandela whose struggle for freedom for his people became so compelling that decades of falsehood seared the conscience of the world to the degree that apartheid South Africa could no longer be. Many more opposed state machines denouncing their ill-conceited charades and suffered for their boldness. 

In a significant region of Nigeria, one name must be mentioned who never prided themselves in their accomplishment. At a time when no one understood or would have challenged their activities, they selflessly laboured to transform a hitherto unknown region into a name and a place to be born and to belong. 

Samuel Osaigbovo Ogbemudia, first mililtary governor of the former Midwest Region of Nigeria a man whose legacy exemplifies truth in leadership. Since Ogbemudia, sadly no other 'Bendel State' leader has served this region with such a heart and purpose without enriching themselves from the office of government. Closest would be Prof Ambrose Alli who embarked on a free education programme for all children and young persons in the state in his time as governor during the second republic.

Nigeria like most countries in sub-saharan Africa have never lacked brilliant minds who could transform their nations if the will of the majority was to prevail. When truth fades, the will of the people unfortunately dies! 

Firstbaze is indeed ashamed of names that call themselves leaders in today's Nigeria or indeed most sub-saharan nations whether past or present. We are shocked by the dearth of intelligent thought-through programmes of development across our communities or states. When so-called leaders pride themselves in the wealth they have amassed in the midst of deprivation and impoverished communities, the truth speaks for itself. 

Firstbaze as its primary aim seeks to affirm and celebrate good leadership. Its objectives include stimulating value change through a programme of Participation, Information and Education. Persons do not have to tell why they should be a choice as a leader. A shift in terms and conditions for leadership should include the following:

  • leadership by example: have evidence of selfless community service beginning from their village, town or state

  • leadership by sacrifice: have served in various capacities voluntarily or out of their own spare time or with evidence of not been paid for their service.

  • leadership by initiatives: have ran successful community initiatives independently or in association with others

  • leadership by followership: have supported other less privileged to positions of leadership without themselves profiting from such effort in any way shape or form

  • leadership by service: asks communities what they want done and only does what they are requested to do and if they fail, be obliged to step down willingly and honourably.

  • leadership, like respect, is accorded but not demanded:  a service that may only be rewarded by the satisfaction of a thank you! If you can not accept that then you have no business expecting to be appointed to leadership!

The point is until society takes charge of the act of government and emphasise that persons are called to SERVE and are accountable to the people, the wheels of change would be hard to turn around. So be the change!

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