Remainers vs Leavers; emigrants & the African sub-region

Submitted by admin on Wednesday, March 7, 2018 - 10:29
Despite the harsh conditions in a country ruled, mainly by brigands and revellers, but for a handful minority,  I am ever amazed at the incredulous faith of its people for a better tomorrow. Tongue in cheek they expect nothing good from her leaders but yet in a rather inexplicable confidence and a leap of faith, assert 'E go better', referring to the hope for a tomorrow that may be better or easier than the preceding day. Its like taking candy from a baby, the game the politicians play when in power. They promise sunshine but alas when in office it is fire and brimstone rained upon the electorate.
Some may think above views rather critical and unfair representations of the truth about Nigeria's leadership. Unfortunately this is the reality of politics in the West African sub-region. The elected forget how they trolled the length and breath of their constituency desperately cajoling the electorate. They assume a befuddling arrogance with incredulity. It is improbable that after securing victory they would return to their constituent to consult with them on matters critical for local development. No, they would be too busy in high office to entertain such demands. At this juncture their immediate goals would be to consolidate on their access to personal allocations and allowances. They congregate with their peers to pursue legislation mainly aimed at ensuring remunerations - in millions, reach their account. They are no longer part of the masses. They enact bills to ensure the barest minimum allocation goes to meet the demands of the poor such as for transportation they would never be seen riding in or roads they will never use, or power supply that is forever abysmal; for ghost public schools their children will never be seen in, or healthcare that does not meet any known standards. The reality is that nothing is done to transform the country from its doldrums.
The current agitation for separation or autonomy of the regions was born from the realisation that the polity of state inherently, was designed to subjugate certain regions to isolation and insignificance. Local resources through constitutional machinations are shipped centrally with the promise of reallocation by a so-called derivation formula, doctored to advantage erstwhile regions. Suddenly the distant groups experience a steady deterioration, with communities becoming a relic of their past. Little wonder some communities took to sabotaging businesses - cutting their noses to spite their faces.
Key indices of forward thinking leadership is demonstrating compassion and care for the indigent of its communities. Not so in these countries. They would pray for the poor whilst preying on their resources. They would support causes to raise awareness following disasters yet use the office of state for philanthropic gestures; but wait for this -announce this as the individuals own charity. You may wonder how does this works? What script is this based upon.
Sociologists and proponents of theories of social control identify steps individuals may subconsciously experience before achieving 'neutralization' of guilt around criminally unacceptable behaviours. From denial of responsibility to denial of harm or injury and indeed denial of there being a victim, individuals given to breaking the rules would rationalise their behaviour and possibly condemn others who challenge their behaviour. They actively seek to release themselves from the collective conscience of society to permit such acts. They may also attempt to appeal to others for  loyalty in an effort to provoke sympathy for their course. Psychologists consider these arguments as defence mechanisms to justify actions. Sadly juveniles are vulnerable to these peer influences and may 'drift' across time between abiding by the law or engaging in crime especially when their obligation to the law is strained.

How this translates to corrupt practices in adults in positions of authority is probably not far fetched. A society under strain due to inequity, poverty and neglect of the 'social contract' from systems failure, breeds conditions for criminally disposed groups to embark on crime. The absence of effective constraints or adequately enforced laws further promotes such attitudes.  

In my now yearly visits, I am forced to ask the question why on earth does anyone come back to Nigeria. I presume its probably for hapless elderly parents or siblings or nieces or nephews or indeed friends who needs more than moral support as, they, like many others, have little hope in the world of being cared for by a state or a local government if their better placed families for any reason were unable to help.
The remainers bear the hope for Nigeria. They also represent the reality of a nation caught in a quagmire of impropriety and deceit.
The remainers may by grouped into subsets.
Those who:
 - do not have and are unable to help their circumstance due to vulnerabilities hence only live by share providence and benevolence,
 - may not have but have abilities and appear to sustain basic needs by share desperation,
 - appear to have but are under served by prevalent hardships in a nation without systems, processes or principles. Like swimming against a tide.
 - have by combination of factors - from dint of hard work, to diligence or opportunities including careers or heritage etc.
 - those who creatively amass, by stealth or thrift but would divest scrupulously and serve their community selflessly.
-  those who amass but define success in a self centred unscrupulous manner and give no thought to the plight of their families or immediate communities.
The future unfortunately is hand-in-glove linked to the present. I acknowledge the efforts of the pitiably, few, who are bearing the weight of the nation on their shoulders. Sadly this weight, is the burden of the majority - from citizens to local authorities, to states and certainly national leadership, all constituting an encumbrance impeding and actively preventing meaningful progress.
Change therefore has to be an active and concerted effort to rid the nation of a critical mass of these actors whose self serving agenda is never for the greater good but a reflection of their impoverished meanings of wealth or success. 
Not given to naming individuals, as this would be a waste of the essential resource of time; those who have been in leadership but with no evidence of any meaningful impact on the lives of their communities should possibly reflect (if capable of engaging in such tasking activity) or indeed consider themselves a cesspool of corruption!  They may have amassed material wealth in no little measure but what they certainly lack is the wisdom of the essence of humanity.
Success is not measured in the largesse of material acquisitions but in the fundamental unit of lives transformed in a given time. Transforming one's own life circumstance through diligence is the expectation of parents for their children. But transforming other lives during and beyond ones own generation is the epitome of legends.

Do we have legendary leadership? Do we have exceptional mortals who in their vision for their nation pursue relentlessly the wellbeing of the indigent and helpless in society?  Show me a leadership with compassion and I will show you a nation truly developed and a society imbued with greatness.  

Consider the earth as a paradise and its inhabitants its curators. Each nation to its' corner of the earth.  To protect and to preserve. To design and to develop. To explore and to transform; resources becoming sources for the wellbeing of all.  Great nations are indeed paradises on earth! Not so failing nations who represent 'Paradise lost' with an entire fabric bereft of values or tangible goals -  relishing in lack lustre token; consumed in sectarian warfare, lost in any semblance of sanity justice or equity; never good enough for themselves and certainly not for others.
Our earthly paradise is, in some sense kept as such by well versed societies who improve its worth by value-added designs and development. Not so in backwater nations whose existence is tethered upon the savagery of its self appointed actors - not leaders, in my opinion. Lacking in ambition or any inkling of self-worth, they derive significance from mindless onslaught on the resources of their communities.

Of the Leavers; who are they and what do they represent? What does the future hold. Is this an example of the beleaguered nation with émigré awaiting its renaissance or is this a nation in 'drift', hapless and hopeless with an ostracized diaspora?

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